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Daning Longsheng Yayuan: East: Wanrong Road; South: Hutai Road; West: Pengyue Pu; North: Daning Road.

Longsheng Jiayuan :East: Dahuayangcheng Garden ; South: Yangchengshijia Garden and Aishi East Gas Station ; West: Hutai Road; North: Dahuayangcheng Garden.

Developed Programme

Longsheng Jiayuan

construction area: 26794.7 ㎡, total develop area: 90,000 ㎡, total investment: 1 billion. Started in March 2010, estimated completion time: 2012.

Daning Longsheng yayuan

construction area: 20512.3 ㎡, total develop area: 70,000 ㎡, total investment: 0.9 billion, Started in September 2010, estimated construction time:2011.

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